As a volunteer, you will learn not just more about the needs of others, you will also learn more about your own needs and you will discover that in helping other, you help yourself most of all. In normal or hard times, volunteers play an active role. You may be professional, student, retired or serving, yet if you have a heart to help and interested in carrying out our Projects or Advocacy work, do write to us at mail@hopecfa.org and we will get in touch with you.
While we value your time and efforts, volunteers are only issued certificates at HCF and no monetary aid is given because we believe volunteering is about doing something selflessly.
Please note that contributing your surplus material is not volunteering. If you are from a corporate/school/college/institution and want to involve your team in volunteering for HCF, Please write to mail@hopecfa.org
Interning at HCF is fun if you want to explore and take yourself out of your comfort zone. Learning and absorbing will off course be a part of the process but we want you to take back something for a lifetime. If you have an open mind, doer attitude and tons of excitement to experiment, this is the place for you. Your activity and inputs adds value to HCF. Do check out our site for openings for interns, if any.
CSR projects with HCF
Over the past years, HCF’s work has been largely recognized for working towards community services and uplifting the underprivileged population by providing opportunities and resources for growth and bringing socio- economic development. This has been possible with the support and contributions from individuals and corporates.
For CSR funding opportunities and other activities, please write to mail@hopecfa.org
Special days
Did your company hit a major milestone or scaled a new height of success; you can honor it by contributing certain amount. For contribution, please write to us at mail@hopecfa.org
Its 2021! And the traditional definitions of jobs, career paths, and success are changing.
Youths today want to build their careers around missions, not just profits but make a positive influence on society and the planet through their jobs and their work. If you wish to change things for the better, do something that has a purpose bigger than making money, and create a real impact rather than simply doing 9-to-5 jobs, then this is the right place for you!
We will notify if we have openings for a position, simply send us an email at mail@hopecfa.org